- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1966, Volume 31, Issue 10
pp. 3837-3844
K. Micka and O. Kadlec Depolarisation der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Suspensionen unlöslicher Stoffe V. Polarographisches und thermogravimetrisches Verhalten des Silbercarbonats -
pp. 3845-3858
J. Plešek and S. Heřmánek Chemistry of boranes. IV. On preparation, properties, and behavior towards Lewis bases of magnesium borohydride -
pp. 3859-3868
I. Paseka, J. Balej, J. Vondrák and A. Regner Kinetik der anodischen Auflösung von Natriumamalgam an der vertikal herabfliessenden Elektrode -
pp. 3869-3880
L. Mandík Additivität der kritischen Lösungstemperaturen von Kohlenwasserstoffen mit Anilin -
pp. 3881-3888
M. Marhol and J. Chmelíček Ion exchangers containing phosphorus in their functional group. Preparation and properties of ion exchangers containing α-hydroxyphosphonic groups -
pp. 3889-3902
I. Šestáková, V. Horák and P. Zuman Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulfur bonds. IX. Polarographic study of addition of primary amines to phenyl vinyl ketone -
pp. 3903-3924
J. Leška Über den Mechanismus und die Kinetik der Hydrolyse niederer Monohalogenalkansäuren in Lösungen von Mineralsäuren -
pp. 3925-3940
V. Svojanovský, J. Janák and M. Dressler Detector combining a flame ionization and a thermionic detection system into a single unit -
pp. 3941-3947
M. Král Magnetochemistry and stereochemistry of nickel(II) complexes of salicylaldehyde formylhydrazone -
pp. 3948-3959
J. Nebřenský Heat transfer to a mechanically mixed bed of granular material -
pp. 3960-3971
J. Nebřenský Mechanism of heat transfer to a mechanically mixed bed of granular material -
pp. 3972-3978
O. Navrátil, L. Bendová and V. Svoboda Extraktionsanalytische Anwendbarkeit der alkylierten Derivate von 4-(2-Thiazolylazo)resorcin -
pp. 3979-3984
M. Bohdanecký The use of the viscosity-average molecular weights for characterization of the distribution functions of polymers -
pp. 3985-3989
J. Exner and M. Bohdanecký On the skeletons of ion exchangers. XVIII. The behaviour of polystyrene in the preparation of macroporous styrene-divinylbenzene structures -
pp. 3990-4001
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXXV. Synthesis of 5-cyanouracil, 5-nitrouracil, and 5-aminouracil 1-glycosyl derivatives -
pp. 4002-4008
J. Farkaš, J. Beránek and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXXVI. Synthesis of 1-β-D-arabinofuranosyl-6-azacytosine -
pp. 4009-4014
Č. Altaner and A. Maďarič Separation of soluble ribonucleic acid and of enzymes participating in protein synthesis and a study of specificity of these fractions -
pp. 4015-4031
J. Fohl, M. Friš and M. Smutek Kristallisationsgleichgewichte III. Löslichkeiten von Anthracen und Carbazol in einigen reinen Lösungsmitteln -
pp. 4032-4046
M. Frumar and J. Klikorka Luminiszenz und Gitterstörungen von mit Quecksilber(II)-jodid aktiviertem Cadmiumjodid -
pp. 4047-4056
D. Kupková Effect of the structure of silicates on the spectral emission of the main components -
pp. 4057-4063
V. Špirko and J. Morávek Analysis of NMR spectra by differentiation with respect to a parameter -
pp. 4064-4071
L. Kuča Extraction of Pu(IV) with trihexylphosphinoxide and a mixture of di-n-butylphosphoric acid and trihexylphosphinoxide -
pp. 4072-4079
L. Bojadžiev and D. Elenkov Studies on extraction. VIII. On the size of drops in a Venturi extractor under turbulent conditions -
pp. 4080-4094
F. Rybnikář Kristallisation und Struktur des Polyformaldehyds -
pp. 4095-4107
M. Bohdanecký The effect of polydispersity on the Huggins constant -
pp. 4108-4120
J. Pašek, J. Tyrpekl and M. Machová Reaktionen von Aminen an sauren Katalysatoren II. Kinetik der Zersetzung von Cyclohexylamin und Dicyclohexylamin an Aluminiumoxid -
pp. 4121-4128
M. Ferles, M. Havel and A. Tesařová Untersuchungen in der Pyridinreihe XV. Über die aus einigen Pyridinhomologen durch elektrolytische Reduktion, Reduktion mit Natrium in Äthanol und Reduktion mit Aluminiumhydrid gebildeten Tetrahydrobasen -
pp. 4129-4144
Z. J. Allan and J. Podstata Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXXI. Darstellung von Azofarbstoffen aus den Sulfitaddukten des Resorcins und aus Phenol-m-sulfonsäre. Alkalische Sulfitierung -
pp. 4145-4153
L. Mirčevová and A. Šimonová The effects of various substances on adenosine triphosphatase activity in the erythrocyte membrane -
pp. 4154-4163
A. Čihák, V. Pliška and F. Šorm Inhibition of rat liver cystathionine synthetase by 3,5-dimethylthio-1,2,4-triazine -
pp. 4164-4167
V. Pliška and A. Čihák Steady-state equations for two-substrate enzymatic reactions of a synthetase type -
pp. 4168-4172
M. Titz and P. Hochmann Tables of quantum chemical data. IX. Energy characteristics of some benzenoid hydrocarbons -
pp. 4172-4175
P. Hochmann, J. Dubský, V. Kvasnička and M. Titz Tables of quantum chemical data. X. Energy characteristics of some polyenic hydrocarbons -
pp. 4175-4177
H. Lund Polarography and reduction of a diazirine -
pp. 4178-4180
M. Matrka and J. Marhold Farbreaktion des 1-(4-Nitrophenyl)-3,3-dialkyltriazens mit Alkalihydroxiden -
pp. 4181-4184
L. Slavíková Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXXIV. Alkaloide aus Glaucium squamigerum KAR. et KIR. -
pp. 4184-4187
J. Slavík Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXXV. Überführung des (-)-Mecambrins in (+)-Roemerin (Aporhein) und Zusammensetzung des Mecambridins -
pp. 4187-4189
L. Dolejš and Z. Arnold Structure of the dimeric α-formylisobutyrophenone -
pp. 4189-4191
L. Briknarová and V. Habermann Chromatographic purification of human prostatic phosphomonoesterase from autopsy material
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.