- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1966, Volume 31, Issue 1
pp. 1-6
M. Ebert and J. Čipera Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten XIV. Untersuchung der spezifischen elektrischen Leitfähigkeit in der flüssigen Phase der Systeme Rb2HPO3-H3PO3-H2O und Cs2HPO3-H3PO3-H2O -
pp. 7-15
J. Podlaha Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten XV. Vanadium(II)-phosphite -
pp. 16-22
J. Podlahová, J. Podlaha and P. Petráš Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure-Komplexen V. Tris-vanadylverbindung -
pp. 23-33
S. Scholle and A. Machačová Untersuchung der Löslichkeiten im System Schwefelsäure-Magnesiumsulfat-Borsäure-Wasser -
pp. 34-42
M. Kyrš, C. Konečný and L. Kadlecová Modification of the Doerner-Hoskins relationship for the case of coprecipitation by adding isomorphous macrocomponents in the system barium sulphate-90Sr -
pp. 43-50
Z. Schweiner, I. Janovský and J. Bednář Localization of energy in radiolysis of solutions. IV. Hydrogen yields in binary mixtures of methanol, water, and pyridine -
pp. 51-57
F. Vydra and J. Vorlíček Amperometry with two polarizable electrodes. IV. Direct chelometric determination of thorium -
pp. 58-64
J. Brandštetr and J. Vřešťál Herstellung und einige Eigenschaften des Kalium-μ-oxobis(pentachlororuthenats)(IV) -
pp. 65-89
O. Exner Studies on the inductive effect. V. Separation of inductive and mesomeric effects in meta and para benzene derivatives -
pp. 90-97
M. Zaoral and F. Šorm Amino acids and peptides. LIX. Synthesis and some biological properties of L-DAB8-vasopressin -
pp. 98-105
J. Pospíšil, J. Petránek and L. Taimr Antioxydantien und Stabilisatoren X. Bemerkung zur Darstellung einiger Hydrochinon-Alkylderivate -
pp. 106-112
J. Gasparič and B. Klouček Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen LVIII. Beitrag zur Konstitutionsermittlung von Aryliden aromatischer Hydroxycarbonsäuren -
pp. 113-121
V. Štěrba, J. Arient and F. Navrátil Imidazol-Farbstoffe XVI. Nitrierung der Benzimidazol-Methylderivate -
pp. 122-129
Ľ. Rexová-Benková and A. Slezárik Isolation of extracellular pectolytic enzymes produced by Aspergillus niger -
pp. 130-138
H. Holeyšovská Protein interactions. XL. Examination of interaction of manganous ions with human serum albumin by means of gel filtration -
pp. 139-151
V. Habermann, E. Maidlová and R. Černý Sequential arrangement of polynucleotides. I. Isolation of terminal RNA fragments by oxidation with periodate and chromatography on aminoethyl-cellulose -
pp. 152-165
I. Kluh, L. Morávek, J. M. Junge, B. Meloun and F. Šorm On proteins. XCVIII. Peptides isolated from a chymotryptic digest of S-carboxymethyl-chymotrypsinogen -
pp. 166-176
B. Dobiáš, J. Spurný and J. Cibulka Studium der Phasengrenzpotentiale Mineral-Lösung für Zwecke der Flotationsforschung IV. Adsorption und Orientierung der Sammlerionen und -Moleküle an der Phasengrenze α-Korund-Lösung -
pp. 177-189
S. Heřmánek and J. Plešek Chemie der Borhydride I. Herstellung von Magnesiumoktahydrotriboraten -
pp. 190-198
J. Matějček and L. Pačesová Untersuchung der thermischen Zersetzung des Aluminiumperjodats Al(JO4)3·12H2O -
pp. 199-206
A. Bezděková and B. Buděšínský Spektralphotometrische Untersuchung der Reaktion von Magnesiumionen mit der 2-(2-Hydroxy-5'-sulfophenylazo)chromotropsäure -
pp. 207-221
M. Bartušek and J. Růžičková Komplexe des Uranyls mit phenolischen Liganden V. Potentiometrische Untersuchung der Komplexe mit 2,3-Dihydroxynaphthalin-6-sulfonsäure, Chromotrop- und Kojisäure, Brenzcatechin, Resorcin und Phenol -
pp. 222-232
A. Berka and J. Hapala Bestimmung organischer Stoffe durch Oxydation mittels Permanganats II. Oxydation von einigen Hydroxysäuren und von Methanol mittels Permanganats in alkalischem Medium -
pp. 233-242
M. Šingliar, J. Dykyj, M. Repáš and L. Lukačovič Analysis and identification of propylene dimers by gas-liquid chromatography -
pp. 243-251
J. Peška, M. J. Beneš and O. Wichterle The anionic polymerization of cyanogen -
pp. 252-268
A. Tkáč, Z. Frait and M. Ondris On the theory of macroradical termination. III. Detection of macroradical termination by electron paramagnetic resonance -
pp. 269-278
J. O. Jílek, K. Pelz, Z. J. Vejdělek and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen VII. 2-Alkoxy-9-(3-dimethylaminopropyliden)thioxanthene und weitere Derivate von Prothixen -
pp. 279-290
I. Ernest and B. Kakáč Synthetische Versuche in der Gruppe hypotensiv wirksamer Alkaloide XXXVIII. Synthese des (±)-Apoyohimbins und einiger weiterer Yohimbanderivate -
pp. 291-297
J. Šmejkal, J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXXIV. Use of 2-deoxy-D-ribose-O-benzyl derivatives in the synthesis of nucleosides -
pp. 298-309
J. Joska, J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm On steroids. XCV. 4,5-Epoxides in the B-norsteroid series -
pp. 310-314
M. Zaoral and F. Šorm Amino acids and peptides. LX. Synthesis of D-Dab8-vasopressin -
pp. 315-320
J. Jarý and K. Čapek Amino sugars. V. Preparation of methyl-3,4-anhydro-6-deoxy-α-D-galactopyranoside derivatives -
pp. 321-335
B. Meloun, V. Kostka, J. Vaněček, I. Kluh and F. Šorm On proteins. XCIX. Peptides isolated from B- and C-chain of S-β-aminoethoxylcysteinyl DIP-α-chymotrypsin -
pp. 336-345
J. Černá, I. Rychlík and F. Šorm Acceptor and transfer activity of transfer ribonucleic acid methylated with dimethylsulphate -
pp. 346-352
V. Dlouhá, D. Pospíšilová, B. Meloun and F. Šorm On proteins. C. Disulfide bonds of basic trypsin inhibitor from beef pancreas -
pp. 353-355
P. Munk, M. Bohdanecký and O. Quadrat The Huggins constant of non-Newtonian solutions -
pp. 355-358
J. Kučera The influence of traces of water on the radiolysis of liquid acetone -
pp. 358-361
B. Chutný Contribution to the oxidation mechanism of ferrous ions by hydroxyl radicals in the presence of organic compounds -
pp. 361-363
J. Balej and A. Regner Korrektur der Ammoniumpersulfatlöslichkeit in Wasser -
pp. 363-367
J. Franc and F. Mikeš Micro-determination of Si-H bonds by gas chromatography -
pp. 367-370
V. Suk Brompyrogallolrot als kolorimetrisches Reagens III. Photometrische Lanthanbestimmung -
pp. 371-374
L. Novotný, Z. Samek and F. Šorm On terpenes. CLXXVI. Isolation and structure of dimethoxydihydrofuroeremophilane -
pp. 374-378
A. D. Cross, A. El-Hamidi, L. Pijewska and F. Šantavý Substances isolated from the plants of the subfamily Wurmbaeoideae and their derivatives. LXII. On the constitution of the alkaloid CC-12, isolated from Colchicum cornigerum (SWEINF.) TÄCKH. et DRAR. -
pp. 378-381
J. Černá and J. Škoda Contribution to the investigation of changes of acceptor activity of sRNA after treatment with polynucleotide phosphorylase -
pp. 382-383
M. Zaoral, J. Kolc and F. Šorm Synthesis of D-Arg8- and D-Lys8-vasopressin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.