- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1965, Volume 30, Issue 7
pp. 2141-2148
I. Sláma, A. Regner and J. Malá Oxydation von Chloridionen mittels Ionen des dreiwertigen Thalliums in Schmelzen eines Gemisches von Kalium- und Zinkchlorid -
pp. 2149-2156
Z. Samek and J. Farkaš Nucleic acid components and their analogues. LXIV. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of anomeric 1-D-ribopyranosylthymines -
pp. 2157-2163
O. Ryba, J. Petránek and J. Pospíšil Antioxidation agents and stabilizers. VII. Influence of structure on polarographic half-wave potentials of alkylated pyrocatechols -
pp. 2164-2178
J. Beneš Zum Mechanismus der Substitutionsreaktionen in heterogenem Medium -
pp. 2179-2186
M. Kyrš, V. Jedináková and R. Caletka Extraction of small quantities of zirconium with a benzene solution of fatty acids -
pp. 2187-2195
L. Lochmann, J. Pospíšil, J. Vodňanský, J. Trekoval and D. Lím Interaction of alkyl lithium compounds with lithium alcoholates -
pp. 2196-2214
B. Schneider, A. Hoření, H. Pivcová and J. Honzl On the structure and properties of polyamides. XIX. Vibrational spectra of N-methylacetamide -
pp. 2215-2230
H. Pivcová, B. Schneider and J. Štokr On the structure and properties of polyamides. XX. Fermi resonance effects in vibrational spectra of N-methylacetamide -
pp. 2231-2235
K. Pelz and M. Protiva Antihistamin-Substanzen LI. N-Cinnamyläthylendiamin-Derivate -
pp. 2236-2240
K. Mori, D. M. S. Wheeler, J. O. Jílek, B. Kakáč and M. Protiva Synthetic experiments in the group of hypotensive alkaloids. XXXV. Microbiological reduction of the lactone of (±)-5-oxo-8β-hydroxy-cis-1,4,5,8,9,10-hexahydro-1β-naphthoic acid -
pp. 2241-2252
E. Balabanova-Radonova, I. Kluh, J. Vaněček and F. Šorm On proteins. XCVII. Peptides from an acid-soluble portion of tryptic digest of S-sulfo-chymotrypsinogen -
pp. 2253-2258
J. Šponar, S. Zadražil, Z. Šormová and F. Šorm Differences in the subunit structure of DNA from normal and leukemic mouse tissue -
pp. 2259-2268
I. Rychlík Some properties of polylysyl-transfer ribonucleic acid -
pp. 2269-2275
J. Nývlt Über Kristallisation XVIII. Leistung des kontinuierlich durchmischten Kristallisators -
pp. 2276-2287
K. Spurný and J. Pich Analytical methods for determination of aerosols by means of membrane ultrafilters. VII. Diffusion and impaction precipitation of aerosol particles by membrane ultrafilters -
pp. 2288-2297
K. Micka Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden III. Gaselektroden -
pp. 2298-2306
J. Moravec, P. Kouřím and M. Horák Vibration spectra of triphenylmethyl methyl ether and its d3 derivative -
pp. 2307-2319
G. Standart and M. Rylek Studies on distillation. V. Pressure drop and liquid holdup on plate -
pp. 2320-2326
F. Štráfelda Massanalytische Kationenbestimmung mit Komplexon III gegen Silberelektrode -
pp. 2327-2333
F. Štráfelda, M. Karlík and J. Matoušek Potentiometrische Titrationen mit Komplexon III gegen die Platinelektrode -
pp. 2334-2343
F. Štráfelda and J. Matoušek Potentiometrische Titrationen mit Komplexon III gegen die Platinelektrode mittels eines Indikator-Redoxsystems -
pp. 2344-2350
J. Alexa Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media. I. Effect of some mixed media on the separation of a mixture of europium with yttrium and promethium -
pp. 2351-2360
J. Alexa Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media. II. Effects of aqueous alcohol solutions on sorption in non-complexing media -
pp. 2361-2367
J. Alexa Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media. III. Effect of aqueous alcohol solutions on sorption from complexing media -
pp. 2368-2372
J. Alexa Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media. IV. Effect of aqueous alcohol solutions on the separation factor -
pp. 2373-2381
B. Buděšínský, K. Haas and D. Vrzalová Einige neuen Analoga von Arsenazo III und ihre analytischen Eigenschaften -
pp. 2382-2387
F. Vydra and V. Marková Sorption von Äthylendiaminkomplexen an Silicagel selektive Kobaltbestimmung -
pp. 2388-2394
J. Kolařík and J. Janáček On the structure and properties of polyamides. XXI. Relaxation behaviour of alkaline polycaprolactam in the low-temperature dispersion region -
pp. 2395-2402
I. Ernest, J. O. Jílek, J. Jirkovský and M. Protiva Synthetische Versuche in der Gruppe hypotensiv wirksamer Alkaloide XXXVI. Synthese des (±)-17-Desmethoxydeserpidins und (±)-17-Desmethoxy-3-isodeserpidins -
pp. 2403-2409
O. Červinka Reactions of enamines. XII. Asymmetric reduction of 1-methyl-2-alkyl-Δ1-pyrrolinium perchlorates by optically active alkoxy lithium aluminium hydrides -
pp. 2410-2433
K. Poduška, G. S. Katrukha, A. B. Silaev and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. LII. Intramolecular aminolysis of amide bonds in derivatives of α,γ-diaminobutyric acid, α,β-diaminopropionic acid, and ornithine -
pp. 2434-2444
J. Doskočil Reaction of deoxyribonucleic acid with triethylene melamine -
pp. 2445-2451
J. Doskočil and Z. Šormová The methylated bases in deoxyribonucleic acids. I. Sequences of deoxy-5-methylcytidylic acid in bacterial DNA -
pp. 2452-2454
J. J. Vogel Konvektion bei der Polarisation einer stationären Tropfenelektrode -
pp. 2455-2459
M. Svatá and J. Jansta Beitrag zum Studium der Struktur poröser Elektroden -
pp. 2460-2464
L. Kišová, J. Komenda and J. Hlavatý Polarographie der Pterine V. Untersuchung der Adsorptionserscheinungen mittels der Wechselstrompolarographie -
pp. 2464-2467
J. Slavík, V. Hanuš, K. Vokáč and L. Dolejš Mass spectrometric study of homologues of rhoeadine and structure of dubirheine -
pp. 2468-2471
H. Pivcová A study of the protonation of secondary amides by means of chemical shifts in NMR spectra -
pp. 2472-2474
V. Dudek and Li Kvan O Reaktion von O-Methylcaprolactim mit Grignardreagenzien -
pp. 2475-2477
V. Štěrba, Z. Ságner and M. Matrka Oxydation von para-ständig substituierten Dimethylanilinderivaten -
pp. 2477-2480
V. Štěrba, Z. Ságner and M. Matrka Oxydation von Dimethylanilin -
pp. 2480-2483
A. Nováček Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LXV. Cyanoethylation of 6-azauracil and 6-azathymine -
pp. 2484-2487
O. Červinka, V. Suchan, O. Kotýnek and V. Dudek Asymmetric reactions. VI. Asymmetric reduction of ketimines by optically active alkoxy lithium aluminium hydrides -
pp. 2487-2491
O. Červinka and O. Bělovský Asymmetric reactions. VII. Asymmetric reduction of cyclohexylaryl ketones by optically active alkoxy lithium aluminium hydrides -
pp. 2491-2493
M. Hudlický and I. Lejhancová Organic compounds of fluorine VIII. Reactions of fluorohalogenoethanes -
pp. 2494-2497
J. Staněk, M. Šindlerová, O. Hánová, M. Černý and J. Pacák Synthese nichtreduzierender Thiodisaccharide -
pp. 2498-2502
J. Prokeš and K. Kácl Biological synthesis of rat serum proteins during intoxication with β,β'-dichlorodiethylsulphide -
pp. 2502-2509
V. Habermann Inhibition of uricase by 6-thiouric acid
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.