- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1965, Volume 30, Issue 2
pp. 355-379
R. Zahradník and C. Párkányi Physical properties and chemical reactivity of alternant hydrocarbons and related compounds. VIII. Quantum chemical reactivity indices of pyridine-like heterocycles -
pp. 380-387
Z. Šulcek, P. Povondra and R. Štangl Chromatographische Trennung der Lithium- und Natriumionen -
pp. 388-412
M. Pánková and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. XXIX. Steric effects in an intramolecular displacement reaction in open-chain systems -
pp. 413-420
M. Svoboda, J. Závada and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. XXX. The anomalous course of metal-ammonia reduction of some cycloalkynes -
pp. 421-437
J. Sicher, M. Svoboda and J. Závada Stereochemical studies. XXXI. The metal-liquid ammonia reduction of alkyl-substituted cyclodecynes and cyclodeca-1,2-dienes: The mechanism of cycloalkyne reduction -
pp. 438-444
J. Závada and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. XXXII. The preferred formation of cis-olefin in bimolecular 'onium salt eliminations -
pp. 445-462
J. O. Jílek, J. Pomykáček, E. Svátek, V. Seidlová, M. Rajšner, K. Pelz, B. Hoch and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen II. Morphanthridin und Derivate. Neue Synthese des Propazepins -
pp. 463-471
J. O. Jílek, J. Pomykáček, J. Metyšová, J. Metyš and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen III. Derivate des Dibenz(b,f)(1,4)oxazepins -
pp. 472-480
A. Kasal, V. Černý and F. Šorm On steroids. LXXXIX. Preparation of some 3,5-cyclosteroid hormone analogs -
pp. 481-491
J. Doskočil and Z. Šormová The reaction of DNA with mustards. I. The reaction products -
pp. 492-506
J. Doskočil and Z. Šormová The reaction of DNA with mustards. II. The reaction kinetics -
pp. 507-514
K. Spurný and V. Hampl Preparation of radioactively labelled condensation aerosols. I. Aerosols of sodium chloride, silver iodide and sulphuric acid -
pp. 515-519
R. Zahradník and J. Michl Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. Introductory remarks -
pp. 520-536
R. Zahradník and J. Michl Electronic structure of non-alternant hydrocarbons, their analogues and derivatives. I. A theoretical treatment of Reid's hydrocarbons -
pp. 537-546
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LVII. Synthesis of 6-azauridine 5'-phosphate and its 5-methyl derivative on condensation of a phosphorylated ribofuranosyl halide with salts of protected 6-azauracils -
pp. 547-552
J. Paleček and H. Šípalová Azabicycloverbindungen III. Synthese der diastereoisomeren 3,5-Dimethylchinuclidin-Gemische -
pp. 553-558
J. Křepinský, V. Sýkora, E. Zvonkova and V. Herout On terpenes. CLXXII. Constitution of sesquiterpenic valerenolic acid -
pp. 559-572
F. Mužík Isomerisierung und Cyclisierung von Amino-peri-acylaminonaphtholsulfonsäuren zu Derivaten des 9-Amino-α-naphthoxazols -
pp. 573-584
F. Hrabák and M. Vacek Über die Primär- und Gesamtreaktion von Benzoylperoxid mit tertiären Aminen -
pp. 585-598
K. Bláha and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. XLVII. Rates of fission of some substituted benzyloxycarbonylglycines and two heterocyclic analogues with hydrogen bromide in acetic acid -
pp. 599-604
K. Bláha and J. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. XLVIII. Rates of fission of some cycloalkyloxycarbonylglycines with hydrogen bromide in acetic acid -
pp. 605-607
H. Alfaro, A. Berka, J. Doležal and J. Zýka Über analytische Ausnützung der Reaktion von Hexacyanoferrat(III) mit Hydrochinon -
pp. 607-611
O. Leminger and M. Farský Über die Darstellung und Eigenschaften von Glyoxal-bis(2-hydroxy-5-chloranil) und Glyoxal-bis(2-hydroxy-5-nitranil) -
pp. 611-612
M. Zaoral and F. Šorm The preparation and certain biological properties of L-Dab8-vasopressin and D-Dab8-vasopressin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.