- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1965, Volume 30, Issue 1
pp. 1-9
J. Teplý, V. Štulík, M. Teichmanová and J. Moravec Radiation chemical formation of uranium peroxide in ketone solutions of uranyl nitrate -
pp. 10-27
E. Fischerová, O. Dračka and O. Fischer Polarographisches Verhalten einiger Chromkomplexe III. Katalytische Inaktivierung des Depolarisators -
pp. 28-33
V. Buzková, B. Moldan and J. Zýka Massanalytische Jodid- und Bromidbestimmung durch Lösungen von Blei(IV)-acetat -
pp. 34-39
P. Dostál, J. Čermák and B. Novotná Bestimmung von an Silicium gebundenen Alkoxy- und Aroxygruppen in Organosiliciumverbindungen -
pp. 40-46
Z. Arnold and A. Holý The preparation of substituted pentamethinium salts -
pp. 47-52
Z. Arnold and A. Holý Synthetic reactions of dimethylformamide. XX. Preparation of some vinylogous polymethinium systems -
pp. 53-60
A. Holý and Z. Arnold Synthetic reactions of dimethylformamide. XXI. The formation of aromatic compounds during the formylation reactions -
pp. 61-69
Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LX. Über die Rolle der Lösungsmittel bei der Hydrolyse von Amino- und Alkoxy-azoverbindungen -
pp. 70-80
J. Hora On steroids. LXXXVIII. Synthesis of steroidal tetrahydro-1,2-oxazine-3-one derivatives -
pp. 81-89
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LV. The reaction of 6-azauracil and 6-azathymine with aldehydes -
pp. 90-98
P. Piťhová, A. Pískala, J. Piťha and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. LVI. 5-Azauracil and its N-methyl derivatives, formation and decomposition in aqueous solutions, structure of compounds with alcohols -
pp. 99-104
Ľ. Drobnica and J. Augustin Reaction of isothiocyanates with amino acids, peptides and proteins. I. Kinetics of the reaction of aromatic isothiocyanates with glycine -
pp. 105-117
C. Jegorov, B. Keil and F. Šorm On proteins. XCII. Comparative study of the primary structure of the myoglobins of various animals by the fingerprinting method -
pp. 118-127
J. Turková, O. Mikeš and F. Šorm Chemical composition of the antibiotic albomycin. VIII. The determination of the sulfur atom bond in the molecule of the antibiotic albomycin -
pp. 128-137
D. Grünberger The character and function of ribosomes from 8-azaguanine-treated cells of Bacillus cereus -
pp. 138-145
I. Rychlík, K. I. Dancheva and M. Cerhová Cleavage and transfer of amino acids from aminoacyl-sRNA to the peptide bond by proteolytic enzymes -
pp. 146-157
P. Schneider and P. Mitschka Effect of internal diffusion on catalytic reactions. I. Irreversible reaction without a change in the number of moles -
pp. 158-168
J. Procházka, J. Landau, P. Nekovář and F. Souhrada Studies on extraction. III. The action of a single plate in a vibrating-plate extractor -
pp. 169-194
V. Čermák and Z. Herman Ionizing reactions of noble gas atoms in metastable states with polyatomic molecules -
pp. 195-207
R. Zahradník and C. Párkányi An HMO study of naphthothiophenes, naphthobenzothiophenes and phenanthrobenzothiophenes -
pp. 208-216
V. Ponec, Z. Knor and S. Černý Adsorption and catalytic reactions on evaporated metal films. XI. Adsorption and interaction of hydrogen and oxygen on rhodium -
pp. 217-222
I. Peka Kinetics of the reaction between sodium fluoride and uranium hexafluoride -
pp. 223-234
K. Micka Zur Theorie der porösen Elektroden II. Der Fall konstanter Konzentrationen -
pp. 235-245
K. Micka Depolarisation der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Suspensionen unlöslicher Stoffe IV. Suspensionen von Mangandioxid -
pp. 246-256
J. Volke, D. Dumanović and V. Volková Polarography of heterocyclic aromatic compounds. XVII. Polarographic reduction of pyrazine and its methyl-derivatives -
pp. 257-264
M. Šolc Kinetik der Reaktion des Stickoxids mit Sauerstoff I. Homogenität der Reaktion -
pp. 265-276
J. Janák, Jaroslav Jonas and M. Kratochvíl Identification of some acetals of the tetrahydrofurane series by gas chromatography with the aid of the Kováts indices -
pp. 277-285
K. Mach Infrared spectra of ethylaluminum dihalides and their complexes with alkali metal halides -
pp. 286-296
H. Zimmermannová and M. Procházka Isomerisierung der Doppelbildung und Addition von Alkoholen an ungesättigte Sulfone -
pp. 297-303
J. Staněk, M. Šindlerová and M. Černý Derivatives of D-thioxylopyranose and of some reducing 1-deoxy-1-thiodisaccharides -
pp. 304-315
K. Bláha, I. Frič and P. Hermann Amino acids and peptides. XLVI. Temperature dependence of the optical rotation and optical rotatory dispersion of some sulphur-containing α-amino acids -
pp. 316-323
Z. Vodrážka and J. Čejka Theory of the oxygenation of haemoglobin -
pp. 324-334
A. Čihák and F. Šorm Interaction of 5-azauracil with uridine phosphorylase in the cell-free extract of mouse liver -
pp. 335-338
F. Šantavý, J. L. Kaul, L. Hruban, L. Dolejš, V. Hanuš, K. Bláha and A. D. Cross Constitution of rhoeadine and isorhoeadine -
pp. 338-340
Z. Uhlíř Thermische Analyse der Natriumtrimetaphosphatmonohydrate -
pp. 340-344
E. Fischerová and H. Poláchová Polarographisches Verhalten einiger Chromkomplexe IV. Anion des Reinecke-Salzes -
pp. 345-346
O. Leminger and M. Farský Neues Reagens zum Nachweis des Uranylkations -
pp. 346-348
A. Holý and Z. Arnold The formation of a pyrrole derivative during the reaction of 1-phenyltrimethinium salt with sodium hydride -
pp. 348-353
Z. Votický and J. Tomko Alkaloids from Buxus sempervirens L. II. Structure of buxomegine and its identity with irehine
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.