- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1964, Volume 29, Issue 5
pp. 1085-1093
J. Marek and R. Holub The calculation of complex chemical equilibira with a digital computer -
pp. 1094-1113
O. Exner On the enthalpy-entropy-relationship -
pp. 1114-1121
J. Nováková and P. Jírů Kinetics and mechanism of exchange reactions of oxygen 18O with oxidation catalysts. II. Molybdenum and tungsten trioxides -
pp. 1122-1127
D. Jakeš and L. Jakešová Zur Thermodynamik des nichtstöchiometrischen Systems Uran-Sauerstoff -
pp. 1128-1137
J. Podlaha Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten X. Eisen(III)-Phosphite -
pp. 1138-1149
J. Šebenda, P. Čefelín and D. Doskočilová Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XVI. Copolymerization of caprolactam with γ-methylcaprolactam -
pp. 1150-1162
R. Caletka and M. Kyrš Zum Mechanismus der Zirkoniumsorption auf Silicagel aus einem Salpetersäuremedium -
pp. 1163-1172
R. Míčková and K. Syhora Steroid derivatives. XXV. Partial synthesis of 16-methylenecortexolone -
pp. 1173-1177
Z. Koblicová and K. Syhora Steroid derivatives. XXVI. On formation and structure of 16-methyl-Δ5,15-pregnadiene-3β,17α-diol-20-one -
pp. 1178-1186
H. Bočková, V. Schwarz and K. Syhora Steroid derivatives. XXVII. On some unusual reactions of 16β-bromo-Δ5-pregnene-3β,17α-diol-20-one -
pp. 1187-1192
A. D. Cross, A. El-Hamidi, J. Hrbek, jr. and F. Šantavý Substances from the plants of the subfamily Wurmbaeoideae and their derivatives. LVIII. The constitution of cornigerine -
pp. 1193-1208
O. Mikeš, Z. Prusík and F. Svoboda On proteins. LXXXVIII. Logical rules for arranging lower peptidic fragments of different degree of determination into higher peptidic chains -
pp. 1209-1221
J. Staněk and J. Drahoňovský On the effect of some nitrated phenols on the metabolism of the conidia of Neurospora sitophila -
pp. 1222-1235
P. Munk, J. Šponar and J. Pivec Deoxyribonucleic acids in solution. III. Reversible time changes in streaming birefringence -
pp. 1236-1258
J. Stehlíček, J. Šebenda and O. Wichterle Alkalische Polymerisation des 6-Caprolactams XVII. Aktivatoren der alkalischen Caprolactam-Polymerisation -
pp. 1259-1265
J. Hubáček and M. Trojna Papierchromatographie der Flavonol-glykoside des Hopfens (Humulus lupulus L.) -
pp. 1266-1276
A. Talvik, P. Zuman and O. Exner Studies on the inductive effect. III. The kinetics of the reaction of substituted benzoic acids with diphenyldiazomethane -
pp. 1277-1281
J. Šrogl and F. Liška Versuche in der Furan-Reihe I. Hydroxylierung von Derivaten des 2,5-Dimethoxy-2,5-dihydrofurans -
pp. 1282-1286
H. Holeyšovská, Václav Holeyšovský and Z. Vodrážka A method for estimation of the contents of α- and β-chains of globin in mixtures -
pp. 1287-1295
Z. Vodrážka, H. Holeyšovská and H. Šípalová Interaction of the α- and β-chains of hemoglobin. I. Solubility of human globin in neutral medium -
pp. 1296-1306
B. Alexijev, Václav Holeyšovský and F. Šorm On proteins. LXXXIX. Structure of some peptides isolated from the tryptic hydrolysate of S-sulphotrypsinogen -
pp. 1307-1310
V. Patrovský Constitution of complexes of niobium and tantalum with pyrocatechine and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid -
pp. 1310-1313
V. Šedivec and J. Flek Extraction of heavy metal diethyldithiocarbamates with organic solvents -
pp. 1314-1318
J. Slavík Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXVI. Über Alkaloide aus Papaver dubium ssp. Iecoquii (LAMOTTE) FEDDE und P. dubium ssp. albiflorum (BOISS) DOST. -
pp. 1319-1322
S. Hála and S. Landa Über Adamantan und dessen Derivate VII. Isomerisation von 1-Äthyladamantan zu 1,3-Dimethyladamantan -
pp. 1322-1325
A. Čihák, J. Škoda and F. Šorm Antagonism of N-substituted biuret derivatives and nucleic acid pyrimidine precursors -
pp. 1326-1329
R. Černý and V. Habermann On the effects of tetracycline on the biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acids with Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.