- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1963, Volume 28, Issue 6
pp. 1357-1363
V. Kolář Single-phase flow of fluids through a layer of granular material -
pp. 1364-1373
I. F. Kovalev Study of the Raman spectra of dimethyldifluorosilane and trimethylfluorosilane molecules -
pp. 1374-1383
V. Frei, A. Blažek and V. Čáslavská Verhalten von Eisen(III)-arsenaten bei höheren Temperaturen -
pp. 1384-1390
J. Čermák and P. Dostál Polarographische Bestimmung der Bindung Si-H neben Si-Si in Polyorganosiloxanen -
pp. 1391-1398
J. Vulterin Rasche oxydimetrische Bestimmung einiger Hydrazinderivate -
pp. 1399-1407
V. Stužka, Z. Stránský and E. Ružička Oxazine als azidobasische Indikatoren I. Untersuchung des 1,2-Benzo-3-(N-1-naphthylamino)-7-dimethylaminophenoxazoniumchlorids und 1,2-Benzo-3-aminophenoxazons-(7) -
pp. 1408-1418
J. Piťha Studium über die Tautomerie der Citrazinsäure -
pp. 1419-1426
B. K. Moza and J. Trojánek On alkaloids. VII. New alkaloids from Cataranthus roseus G. DON -
pp. 1427-1433
B. K. Moza and J. Trojánek On alkaloids. VIII. Structure of vindorosine -
pp. 1434-1440
M. Ferles and J. Čaplovič Untersuchungen in der Pyridinreihe VIII. Über die Hochdruckhydrierung des Nicotinsäure- und Isonicotinsäure-äthylesters -
pp. 1441-1448
J. Kára and F. Šorm Study of the substrate specificity of deoxynucleoside phosphokinases. Phosphorylation of 3H-thymidine, 6-azathymidine, deoxyuridine, 6-azadeoxyuridine and 5-hydroxymethyldeoxyuridine labelled with 14C, by enzymes from normal and malignant mammalian tissues in vitro -
pp. 1449-1458
F. Jenč and J. Plíva Reduced potential curves of first-row diatomic molecules -
pp. 1459-1467
F. Veselý, V. Fried and J. Pick Gleichgewicht Flüssigkeit-Flüssigkeit im System n-Butylacetat-Wasser-Phenol -
pp. 1468-1482
J. Koutecký, J. Paldus and V. Vítek Calculation of the positions of the α- and β-bands in the electronic spectra of benzenoid hydrocarbons using the method of limited configuration interaction -
pp. 1483-1490
J. Koutecký and J. Paldus Calculation of the excitation energies of benzenium and diphenylmethyl ions by the semiempirical method of limited configuration interaction -
pp. 1491-1498
R. Brdička, Z. Spurný and A. Fojtík Effect of the dose intensity on the rate of radio-oxidation of cystine in aqueous solutions -
pp. 1499-1506
R. Zahradník, J. Koutecký, Jiří Jonáš and J. Gut Nucleic acid components and their analogues. XXXI. Electronic structure of uracil, 5-azauracil and 6-azauracil -
pp. 1507-1515
J. Piťha and J. Beránek Nucleic acid components and their analogues. XXXII. Infrared spectra of nucleosides with an anomalous heterocyclic base. Tautomerism of 6-azacytidine derivatives -
pp. 1516-1523
F. Štráfelda and A. Kimla Polarographie im durchfliessenden Elektrolyt II. Stationäre sphärische Elektrode -
pp. 1524-1534
Süe-Yuan Tang and P. Zuman A new type of maximum on the limiting current of the reduction wave of phenacyl sulfonium ions -
pp. 1535-1540
M. Štolka, J. Vodehnal and I. Kössler Preparation of 3,4-polyisoprene and its infra-red spectrum -
pp. 1541-1548
J. Podlaha Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten IX. Vanadin(III)- und Mangan(III)-phosphite -
pp. 1549-1556
R. Komers Untersuchungen über die gaschromatographische Trennung der Methylester der Benzolmonocarbonsäuren und der Benzoldicarbonsäuren -
pp. 1557-1568
J. Šmejkal and J. Farkaš Hydrogenolytic cleavage of cyclopropane ring in the series of substituted cyclopropane carboxylic acids -
pp. 1569-1578
M. Černý, I. Buben and J. Pacák Synthesen mit Anhydrozuckern III. Über die Reaktion von 2-O-Tosyl-1,6:3,4-dianhydro-β-D-galaktopyranose mit Natriumhydroxyd -
pp. 1579-1583
L. Lábler On steroids. LXXVII. Some (20S)-5α-pregnane-18,20-oxides -
pp. 1584-1592
L. Dolejš, V. Hanuš, V. Černý and F. Šorm On steroids. LXXVIII. Mass spectra of Holarrhena alkaloids -
pp. 1593-1597
J. Kůta and P. Valenta Ermittlung der Hydratationsgleichgewichtskonstanten der Glyoxalsäure und ihres Anions durch Oszillographie mit vorgegebenem Spannungsverlauf -
pp. 1597-1599
J. Volke and J. Holubek Polarography of heterocyclic aromatic compounds. XV. Products of polarographic reduction of 4-cyanopyridine -
pp. 1600-1603
G. Conradi and M. Kopanica Polarographische Studien der komplexbildenden Eigenschaften der Triäthylentetramin-N,N,N',N'',N''',N'''-hexaessigsäure -
pp. 1603-1606
S. Havelka and M. Beran Radiometrische Plutoniumbestimmung neben grossem Uranüberschuss in den organischen Phasen des Purex-Prozesses -
pp. 1606-1609
B. Klouček, J. Gasparič and K. Obruba Bestimmung von Hydroxylgruppen durch Acetylierung mittels Acetanhydrids in Gegenwart von Perchlorsäure als Katalysator -
pp. 1609-1612
J. Dvořák and E. Truplová Bestimmung von Natrium neben Titan mittels Flammenphotometers -
pp. 1612-1614
J. Tomiška Zersetzung von Trioxan in Acetanhydrid -
pp. 1614-1617
V. Horák Über die Spaltung aktivierter C-N- und C-S-Bindungen III. Studium der Austauschreaktionen an Derivaten und Analogen des Tropan-3-ons -
pp. 1618-1620
M. Suchý, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CLIII. The proof of existence and structure of hydroxycostunolide, a sesquiterpenic lactone of germacrane type in Artemisia balchanorum H. KRASCH -
pp. 1620-1622
J. Farkaš and F. Šorm Synthesis of 5-bis-(β-chloroethyl)aminomethyluridine -
pp. 1622-1625
J. Piťha, S. Chládek and J. Smrt Intramolecular hydrogen bonds in derivatives of nucleosides -
pp. 1625-1628
J. Piťha and J. Kuthan Studium der Tautomerie der 2,6-Dihydroxydinicotinsäure-Ester mittels Infrarotspektroskopie
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.