Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1961, 26, 1551-1558

Herzwirksame Glykoside III. Cardenolide des Adonisröschens (Adonis vernalis L.)

J. Pitra and Z. Čekan

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • I. Bartošek and Z. Čekan
    Oxidation of 17β-hydroxyandrostane derivatives by 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from guinea-pig liver
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 6, pp. 1829–1831 [Abstract]
  • Z. Čekan, M. Tichá and I. Bartošek
    Hydrolysis of esters of androstane derivatives by rat liver homogenate relationship between the rate of hydrolysis and structure
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 5, pp. 2068–2072 [Abstract]
  • J. Pitra and J. Štěrba
    Cardiotonic glycosides. VI. A by-product of base catalysed deacetylation of lanatoside B
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 1908–1909 [Abstract]
  • J. Pitra
    Separation methods for natural products. XI. Detection with morin in chromatography on silicagel
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp. 1402–1404 [Abstract]
  • J. Pitra and J. Reichelt
    Effect of the deactivation of silicagel by water on the sorption equilibria
    1966, Vol. 31, Issue 3, pp. 1392–1394 [Abstract]
  • H. Bočková, J. Holubek and Z. Čekan
    Inhaltsstoffe des Ölbaums (Olea europea L.)
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 6, pp. 1484–1491 [Abstract]
  • J. Trojánek, O. Štrouf, J. Holubek and Z. Čekan
    Über Alkaloide IX. Über die Struktur von Vincamin
    1964, Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp. 433–446 [Abstract]
  • J. Pitra, J. Reichelt and Z. Čekan
    Methoden zur Trennung von Naturstoffen X. Adsorptionseigenschaften von hydratisiertem Silikagel
    1963, Vol. 28, Issue 11, pp. 3072–3078 [Abstract]
  • J. Pitra and Z. Čekan
    Methoden zur Trennung von Naturstoffen VIII. Ableitung von Systemen für die Gegenstromverteilung
    1963, Vol. 28, Issue 9, pp. 2303–2309 [Abstract]
  • S. Heřmánek, V. Schwarz and Z. Čekan
    Methoden zur Trennung von Naturstoffen VII. Beziehung zwischen Substanz und Lösungsmittel bei der Chromatographie an Aluminiumoxyd
    1963, Vol. 28, Issue 8, pp. 2031–2039 [Abstract]
  • V. Procházka, Z. Čekan and R. B. Bates
    On terpenes. CLI. Structure of globicin, a guaianolide from Matricaria globifera (THUNB.) DRUCE
    1963, Vol. 28, Issue 5, pp. 1202–1210 [Abstract]
  • J. Pitra, J. Moural and Z. Čekan
    Herzwirksame Glykoside V. Reaktion der 14,16β-Dihydroxycardenolide mit Thionylchlorid und Konstitutionsnachweis von 16β-Hydroxystrophanthidin (Strophadogenin)
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 12, pp. 2985–2988 [Abstract]
  • J. Trojánek, O. Štrouf, K. Kavková and Z. Čekan
    Über Alkaloide VI. Vincaminin und Vincinin, zwei neue Alkaloide aus Vinca minor L.
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 12, pp. 2801–2807 [Abstract]
  • J. Reichelt and J. Pitra
    Methoden zur Trennung von Naturstoffen VI. Dünnschicht-Chromatographie der Cardenolide
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 7, pp. 1709–1711 [Abstract]
  • P. Horák, J. Holubek, V. Bumba and Z. Čekan
    Methoden zur Trennung von Naturstoffen V. Bestimmung von Morphin in Mohnkapselextrakten
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 1037–1042 [Abstract]
  • Z. Čekan, J. Pitra and V. Procházka
    Separation methods for natural products. II. Enriched diamond separation and double withdrawal
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 832–842 [Abstract]
  • V. Procházka, J. Pitra and Z. Čekan
    Separation methods for natural products. I. New countercurrent distribution procedure
    1962, Vol. 27, Issue 4, pp. 823–831 [Abstract]
  • S. Heřmánek, V. Schwarz and Z. Čekan
    Methods of separation of natural products. III. Measurement of activity of alumina by means of thin layer chromatography
    1961, Vol. 26, Issue 12, pp. 3170–3173 [Abstract]
  • J. Trojánek, H. Komrsová, J. Pospíšek and Z. Čekan
    Über N-Alkylcamphidine
    1961, Vol. 26, Issue 11, pp. 2921–2932 [Abstract]
  • J. Trojánek, J. Pospíšek and Z. Čekan
    Über Alkylderivate der stereoisomeren 2-Aminocamphane
    1961, Vol. 26, Issue 10, pp. 2602–2611 [Abstract]
  • S. Heřmánek, V. Schwarz and Z. Čekan
    Steroidderivate XII. Chromatographie neutraler Steroide an einer dünnen Aluminiumoxydschicht
    1961, Vol. 26, Issue 6, pp. 1669–1679 [Abstract]
  • J. Trojánek, K. Kavková, O. Štrouf and Z. Čekan
    Über Alkaloide IV. Über die Isolierung von Vincin, eines neuen Alkaloids aus Vinca minor L.
    1961, Vol. 26, Issue 3, pp. 867–873 [Abstract]
  • Z. Čekan, V. Procházka, V. Herout and F. Šorm
    On terpenes. CXV. Isolation of globicin, a guaianolide from Matricaria globifera (THUNB.) DRUCE
    1960, Vol. 25, Issue 10, pp. 2553–2558 [Abstract]
  • J. Trojánek, O. Štrouf, K. Kavková and Z. Čekan
    Über Alkaloide III. Neue Alkaloide aus immergrün Vinca minor L.
    1960, Vol. 25, Issue 8, pp. 2045–2048 [Abstract]
  • Z. Čekan, V. Procházka, V. Herout and F. Šorm
    On terpenes. CI. Isolation and constitution of matricarin, another guaianolide from camomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.)
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 1554–1557 [Abstract]
  • J. Pitra, H. Kolářová and Z. Čekan
    Ein neues System für die Papierchromatographie kardiotonischer Glykoside
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 3, pp. 1011–1013 [Abstract]
  • J. Trojánek, J. Hoffmannová, O. Štrouf and Z. Čekan
    Vincaminorin, ein neues Alkaloid des Immergrüns (Vinca minor L.)
    1959, Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 526–529 [Abstract]
  • Z. Čekan, V. Herout and F. Šorm
    Über Terpene LXXX. Die Struktur von Matricin, ein Guajanolid aus der Kamille (Matricaria chamomilla L.)
    1957, Vol. 22, Issue 6, pp. 1921–1929 [Abstract]
  • Z. Čekan and V. Herout
    Über Pflanzenstoffe IV. Die Isolierung von 5-Oxy-3,6,7,3',4'-pentamethoxyflavon aus Wermut (Artemisia absinthium L.)
    1956, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pp. 79–83 [Abstract]
  • Z. Čekan, V. Herout and F. Šorm
    On terpenes. LXII. Isolation and properties of the pro-chamazulene from Matricaria chamomilla L., A further compound of the guaianolide group
    1954, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 798–804 [Abstract]
  • F. Šorm, Z. Čekan, V. Herout and H. Rašková
    Isolation of spasmolytically active substance from Matricaria chamomilla L.
    1953, Vol. 18, Issue 1, pp. 127–130 [Abstract]