- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1960, Volume 25, Issue 12
pp. 2958-2965
M. V. Stackelberg and V. Toome Untersuchungen über den Abreissvorgang der Tropfelektrode I. Geometrie des Vorganges und der Rückdruck -
pp. 2966-2973
R. Doppelfeld and M. V. Stackelberg Untersuchungen über den Abreissvorgang der Tropfelektrode II. Stromstärkemessungen -
pp. 2974-2976
M. V. Stackelberg and M. Pilgram Diffusionskoeffizient des Wasserstoffions in wässrigen KCl-Lösungen -
pp. 2977-2981
H. Matsuda and P. Delahay Influence of reactant adsorption in transients methods for fast electrode processes -
pp. 2982-2992
N. V. Nikolaeva-Fedorovich, B. B. Damaskin and O. A. Petrii Influence of surface-active organic substances on the electroreduction of anions -
pp. 2993-3003
J. Weber and J. Koutecký Einfluss adsorbierbarer Stoffe auf die polarographischen Ströme V. Momentane und mittlere Ströme in Anwesenheit geladener und ungeladener oberflächenaktiver Stoffe, die einer langsamen Adsorption unterliegen -
pp. 3004-3015
L. Gierst and P. Cornelissen L'influence de la nature et de la concentration de l'électrolyte-support sur la morphologie des ondes polarographiques du système EuII-EuIII -
pp. 3016-3024
N. Tanaka, R. Tamamushi and A. Takahashi The effect of surface-active substances on the electrode reactions of some inorganic ions -
pp. 3025-3035
S. G. Mairanovskii and L. I. Lishcheta Polarographic study of the kinetics of the reaction of divalent maleic acid anion with proton donors -
pp. 3036-3055
A. A. Vlček Relation between electronic structure and polarographic behaviour of inorganic depolarizers. X. Cobalt μ-peroxo complexes -
pp. 3056-3060
Yu. K. Delimarskii, A. V. Gorodyskii and V. V. Kuzmovich Chronopotentiometric determination of diffusion coefficients in melts -
pp. 3061-3064
Yu. K. Delimarskii, I. D. Panchenko and G. Ya. Shilina Application of the rotating disc electrode in polarography of fused salts -
pp. 3065-3070
H. A. Laitinen and D. K. Roe Double layer capacity of platinum and bismuth electrodes in molten lithium chloride-potassium chloride -
pp. 3071-3084
R. Kalvoda Anwendung der oszillographischen Polarographie in der quantitativen Analyse XII. Ausnützungsmöglichkeit der Kapazitätserscheinungen -
pp. 3085-3097
L. Němec Einfluss der Registriereinrichtung auf die Gestalt der polarographischen Kurven -
pp. 3098-3104
J. V. A. Novák Polarographische Daueranalysatoren IV. Kohlenstoffanode als Messelektrode -
pp. 3105-3110
W. Kemula, E. Rakowska and Z. Kublik Application of the hanging mercury drop electrode to an investigation of red-ox processes of uranium salts by cyclic voltammetry -
pp. 3111-3119
I. Tachi and R. Takahashi Polarographic behaviour of silver(I), copper(II) and thallium(I) ions in water-acetonitrile mixtures -
pp. 3120-3136
M. Heyrovský Polarographic wave of aluminium -
pp. 3137-3142
J. Mašek Polarographic reduction of hydrazoic acid and determination of azides -
pp. 3143-3152
Čang Je-Sia, J. Doležal and J. Zýka Anwendung von Aminoverbindungen in der Polarographie anorganischer Verbindungen VIII. Das polarographische Verhalten von zwei- und dreiwertigem Kobalt im Milieu von Glutaminsäure -
pp. 3153-3158
J. Koryta and Z. Zábranský Kinetics of electrode processes of complexes in polarography. VII. Formation of the complex of cadmium ion with the ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid as a reaction deactivating the product of a rapid electrode reaction -
pp. 3159-3165
D. M. Kern The polarography of plumbate ion -
pp. 3166-3172
G. M. Habashy Polarography of titanium. I. Sulphato complexes of Ti(III) and Ti(IV) -
pp. 3173-3178
S. Stankovianský, V. Podaný and A. Kalusová Polarographisches Verhalten von Gold, Palladium und Platin in Lösung von Äthylendiaminzitrat -
pp. 3179-3187
O. A. Songina Some difficulties encountered in polarometric titration with the rotating platinum electrode -
pp. 3188-3194
A. I. Zebreva and M. T. Kozlovskii On the solubility of antimony in mercury -
pp. 3195-3201
P. H. Given and M. E. Peover Some experiments on the action of proton donors in the polarography of aromatic substances in dimethylformamide -
pp. 3202-3212
M. Suzuki and P. J. Elving The kinetic parameters and the electrochemical mechanism for the polarographic reduction of nitromethane -
pp. 3213-3224
C. E. Bennett and P. J. Elving Correlation of polarographic half-wave potentials with nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shifts -
pp. 3225-3244
P. Zuman Quantitative treatments of substituent effects in polarography. I. General equation for the relation between polarographic half-wave potentials and the effect of substituents -
pp. 3245-3251
P. Zuman Polarography of nonbenzenoid aromatic and related substances. II. The course of the reduction of sydnones at the dropping mercury electrode -
pp. 3252-3264
P. Zuman Polarography of nonbenzenoid aromatic and related substances. III. The course of the reduction of N,N'-polymethylene-bis-sydnones -
pp. 3265-3270
P. Zuman Polarography of nonbenzenoid aromatic and related substances. IV. Polar effects of substituents in phenylsydnones; The application of modified Hammett equation -
pp. 3271-3276
Y. Nagata, I. Tachi and K. Kitao Polarographic behavior of some phenylhydrazines -
pp. 3277-3285
J. Tirouflet, E. Laviron, J. Metzger and J. Boichard Sur le comportement polarographique de divers aldéhydes et chalcones hétérocycliques -
pp. 3286-3291
J. Holubek and J. Volke Polarography of aromatic heterocyclic compounds. IX. Polarographic reducibility of isomeric nitropyridines -
pp. 3292-3305
J. Holubek and J. Volke Polarographie aromatischer heterocyclischer Verbindungen X. Polarographische Studie des Systems 2,2'-Pyridoin und 2,2'-Pyridil -
pp. 3306-3312
W. Kemula, Z. R. Grabowski and M. K. Kalinowski Polarographic oxidation of benzopinacol -
pp. 3313-3320
H. Lund Polarography and reduction of thiobenzamides -
pp. 3321-3329
M. Maturová, Tschu Shun, J. Čtvrtník and F. Šantavý Polarographie der Alkaloide XXV. Polarographie einiger Papaverinderivate -
pp. 3330-3337
E. Knobloch Katalytische wasserstoffabscheidung an der Quecksilbertropfelektrode durch Derivate des Chromons und Pyridins -
pp. 3338-3343
J. Rudinger, J. Krupička, M. Zaoral and V. Černík Amino-acids and peptides. XXX. Alkaline hydrolysis of the phthalimido group in phthalylamino-acids and their derivatives; A polarographic study -
pp. 3344-3347
F. Cappellina and L. Pederzini Oscillopolarographic reduction of α-pyrrolaldehyde in dimethylformamide and in water -
pp. 3348-3355
B. Breyer and T. Biegler Alternating current polarography of riboflavin -
pp. 3356-3362
M. Bartík and J. Kupka Polarographische Nitratbestimmung im biologischen Material -
pp. 3363-3379
G. Ruttkay-Nedecký Charakteristische polarographische Aktivität des Tabakmosaikvirus I. Unterschied im polarographischen Effekt des Virus und der Nicht-Viruseiweissstoffe -
pp. 3380-3384
V. Kalous and Z. Pavlíček Isolierung der α2-Globulinfraktion und ihre Beziehung zu der Filtratreaktion von Brdička -
pp. 3385-3386
Y. Yasumori Determination of traces of copper, lead and chloride in sulphuric acid by means of the square wave polarography -
pp. 3387-3390
M. Ishibashi, T. Fujinaga and A. Saito Modified A. C. polarograph with a circuit for charging current compensation and its application for the determination of traces of cadmium and lead in indium metal -
pp. 3391-3393
M. Bartík and J. Kupka Verwendung von Sulfosalicylsäure bei der polarographischen Bestimmung von Chloriden in biologischem Material -
pp. 3394-3397
O. Manoušek Über das polarographische Verhalten des Bromcyans -
pp. 3397-3400
J. Volke Polarography of heterocyclic aromatic compounds. XI. A note on the reducibility of isomeric acetyl-pyridines -
pp. 3401-3403
G. Horn and P. Zuman Polarographie der Harnstoff- und Thioharnstoffderivate XI. Bemerkungen zur Polarographie einiger Mercaptopurine -
pp. 3404-3404
H. Berg Photopolarographie
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.