Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1930, 2, 77-82

On the rate of formation of fumaric acid in molten malic acid

P. Herasymenko and Z. Tyvońuk

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • P. Herasymenko
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury kathode. LXVI. General formulae for the potential of electroreduction of fumaric and maleic acid
    1937, Vol. 9, pp. 104–108 [Abstract]
  • P. Herasymenko and I. Šlendyk
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury kathode. Part XL. Lowering of the hydrogen overpotential by some organic substances
    1934, Vol. 6, pp. 204–210 [Abstract]
  • P. Herasymenko and I. Šlendyk
    Polarographic studies with the dropping mercury kathode. Part XXXVI. The catalysis of the electro-deposition of hydrogen due to the presence of the platinum metals
    1933, Vol. 5, pp. 479–496 [Abstract]
  • P. Herasymenko and F. Pobořil
    Molecular compounds in liquid steel and their influence on the deoxidation equilibria
    1933, Vol. 5, pp. 331–338 [Abstract]